Viikonloppuna järjestettiin siis Liperissä kaksipäiväiset noutajien metsästyskokeet, joissa Lukalla oli molempina aamuina startti. Lauantaina tuloksena oli pyöreä nolla ensimmäisen (ja toivottavasti ainoan) riistarikon seurauksena. Sunnuntaina palasimme tuloskantaan kolmosella, mutta sitäkin tärkeämpää oli, että ohjaukset onnistuivat molempina päivinä ja saimme otetta siihen, mikä on aiheuttanut Lukalla tehottomuutta hakuun.
Lauantaina 14.8.2010 Anna ja Ramin seurasivat myös avoimen ja voittajaluokan suorituksia helteisessä kelissä. Molemmissa nähtiin niin onnistumisia kuin epäonnistumisiakin ja niistäkin sai vinkkiä omaan treenaamiseen. Ainakin näimme jälleen minkälaisia asioita avoimessa luokassa vaaditaan.
We had a two day hunt test in Liperi and Luka started on both days in the early morning. On saturday the result was a big fat zero after Luka’s first (and hopefully last) broken game during the return. On sunday we returned to getting prizes with a third prize. But more importantly the guided retrieves were successful on both days and we got a handle on why Luka’s free search has been quite inefficient.
On saturday 14.8.2010 both Anna and Ramin watched performances in both the open and winner’s classes in the continuing heatwave. In both classes we saw dogs and handlers succeed and fail and got ideas for our own training. At least we again got a handle on the requirements of the open class.
On Sunday 15.8.2010 Ramin went to watch the winner’s class performances after Luka’s start. He also ended up working as a shooter in the class. It felt really good “to shoot game with every shot ;).” The guided retrieve was so demanding that many handlers just shook their heads when they saw it. 150 metres of guided water work through a “gate” surrounded by game scents. And it was still hot.
The weekend ended with a swimming session for our whole pack in the still very warm lake water.
Lukas evaluations are also available online: saturday and sunday.